Top Five Medicaid Myths 

Top Five Medicaid Myths 

1) An Alzheimer’s patient cannot qualify for Medicaid Untrue. The key to applying for Medicaid benefits for home care is ADLs (activities of daily living). Medical professionals must provide a detailed explanation by expanding on the ADLs such as the patient forgets...
What Are The Stages Of Probate? 

What Are The Stages Of Probate? 

Although most assets in your estate may pass through the probate pass process, other assets may not. It often depends on the type of assets or how an asset is titled. Probate is a court supervised process occurring after your death. It takes place in the state where...
Answering Your Parents Long-Term Care Questions After the Holidays

Answering Your Parents Long-Term Care Questions After the Holidays

Were your holidays a time for being together and celebrating with family, including your aging parents? Were you able to spend time with your aging parents talking about their new year perspective. Did you discuss their future and their hopes for the new year as they...
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