What You Don’t Know About Caregiving Costs Could Cost You Plenty

There are a lot of myths about caregiving costs, and the wrong information can add up fast. Protect yourself and your loved one, by learning what resources are available for what services. Here’s a number that will give you something to think about, if you are a...

Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

Whether one is rich or poor, everyone needs an estate plan. If you have older friends or relatives, it’s time to speak to them about making an estate plan. How can you have a successful conversation with your older parents, without making your family members feel...

The Role of Life Insurance in Your Family’s Future

The real question isn’t if you need life insurance. The question is, what type of life insurance do you need?  Life insurance is one of those things that you are advised to buy the minute you have a spouse or children who count on your income. This type of...
“If I Had The Words” Gallery Exhibit

“If I Had The Words” Gallery Exhibit

“If I Had the Words” was an intergenerational art exhibit created by artists Natalie Steigmann-Gall and Tim Connor. The collaboration began when Steigmann-Gall, a talented painter and elder companion, was connected with Tim Connor, a retired street photographer,...
Preparing for a Baby Includes an Estate Plan

Preparing for a Baby Includes an Estate Plan

Parents-to-be are busy with juggling doctor’s appointments, preparing a nursery, picking out names, and getting ready for their lives to change. However, there’s more. When expecting a new addition to the family, parents need to address the more serious...
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