How a QTIP Protects Heirs in Blended Families

Lucky enough to find love the second time around? Wonderful! Want to protect your children’s inheritance? Here’s one estate planning option to address this concern. Estate planning for couples in second marriages when each spouse has children from a prior...

The Cost of Long-Term Care Insurance

If long-term care insurance seems expensive, do the math and figure out how much it would cost if you do not have long-term care insurance. It won’t look so expensive. Boomers are concerned about rising premiums, but the longer you live, the more likely that you...

Late To The Retirement Party? You May Have Time To Catch Up!

More than 30% of workers in America ages 45-54 report having saved less than $25,000 for retirement, according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, It gets more dramatic: more than 25% of those who are 55+, say they have even less than $25,000 saved. If you fit...

Yes, You Have To Pay Taxes, But You Can Pay Less

There are a number of savvy strategies to minimize your tax liability, but some are better known than others. Here are two more to add to your tax toolbox. A Spousal IRA and a Backdoor Roth IRA Contribution are two additional ways that you can reduce your tax burden...

Elder Scams

Scams targeting the elderly are on the rise, and most are convincing, making even savvy seniors vulnerable. Adult children of elderly parents need to keep their eyes open on their parent’s behalf, because the scammers are increasingly sophisticated and...

What You Don’t Know About Caregiving Costs Could Cost You Plenty

There are a lot of myths about caregiving costs, and the wrong information can add up fast. Protect yourself and your loved one, by learning what resources are available for what services. Here’s a number that will give you something to think about, if you are a...

Everyone Needs an Estate Plan

Whether one is rich or poor, everyone needs an estate plan. If you have older friends or relatives, it’s time to speak to them about making an estate plan. How can you have a successful conversation with your older parents, without making your family members feel...
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