Don’t Go Overboard on Retirement Spending

Don’t Go Overboard on Retirement Spending

Strike a balance between enjoying yourself and keeping an eye on your retirement budget. You may need your retirement funds to last for a lot longer than you once thought. People who enjoy shopping as a recreational activity may find that it does serious harm to their...
Protect Your Family With an Estate Plan

Protect Your Family With an Estate Plan

Documents are at the heart of your estate plan, but they have to be created with your unique situation in mind. Not having them, or not having the right ones, could put you and your children at risk, before and after your demise. Everyone over the age of 18 should...
Blending Families? Be Mindful of Your Estate Plan

Blending Families? Be Mindful of Your Estate Plan

An estate plan is a perfect solution to making sure that your assets are passed on to your children from a prior marriage- if you make sure that is addressed in your estate plan.  Here are some interesting statistics: the rate of remarriage has decreased over time for...
If an Amazon CEO Doesn’t Need a Prenup, Do You?

If an Amazon CEO Doesn’t Need a Prenup, Do You?

He’s the richest man in the world and he doesn’t have a prenuptial agreement. When Jeff and Mackenzie Bezos announced their divorce, people with far less wealth are wondering whether they need a prenup. Most couples are advised to have a prenuptial agreement...
Getting Divorced? Recently Widowed? Avoid These Classic Mistakes

Getting Divorced? Recently Widowed? Avoid These Classic Mistakes

Despite gains in many areas, married women still choose traditional roles, when it comes to finances. When divorce is in the picture, that creates big problems, for the present and the future. The upheaval presented by divorce, and the probability that the woman will...
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