Reviewing Your Estate Plan Protects Goals, Family

Reviewing Your Estate Plan Protects Goals, Family

Guess what?  If you never get around to doing your Last Will (about 50% of Americans have not done a Last Will),  New York State has a Last Will all drafted and ready for you.  You don’t even have to approve it or sign it. The New York State Last Will is called the...
Despite Pandemic, Many Still Don’t Have an Estate Plan

Despite Pandemic, Many Still Don’t Have an Estate Plan

Covid-19 has produced a rise in estate planning, but not a large enough one. Most Americans still do not have a last will and testament. It’s true–many people still believe that they don’t have enough assets so they don’t need a will, or that...
Should You Update Your Will When You Move?

Should You Update Your Will When You Move?

“State-by-state differences in matters around taxes, inheritance, marital property and more make a thorough review imperative.” In the excitement of a move from one state to another, people often forget that their estate plan may need to also change with their address...
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